Are you over paying for your Equipment

Note that the cost of 1.39m with 80% for it to be Epic and 20% for it to be Legendary. 


But if we change the selected material, you have a cost of 1.04m with 92% for it to be Epic and 7% for it to be Legendary
Change the selected material a little more you have a cost of 574k with 57% for it to be Rare and 42% for it to be Epic. There is one more that gives 100% Epic for 695K, but I did not have any Epic Thorium Ore. 

Your cost may be different due to the bonuses.

Hover over any material you get this.

If you click the i it shows which Crypt to find the material in. 
To Select material, click the other one. 

Hover over any material you get This The >> is for Premium Users. 
The two squares are for combining materials if you need to. 
The check mark is to select the material. 

This was the 1.04m selection. 

This was the 574k selection. 

This was the 1.0m selection 

The shocking news is that you must research blacksmithing to be able to do selection. But if you are careful when combining material, you will not need to use selection. 

Here is a good example of what not to do.

Row one, two and three should have had all material stack in column four till you had five in column four of row four. Then you combed on column four so your have one in each row of column five.  How wait till you have at least five in each row of column four before you do it again.


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